Monday, October 17, 2011

Cameron and the Candy Bars

One lovely summer, I was residing at my grandparent's home. I was a sophomore in college and had a job as busser at a local restaraunt. I worked long hours and each night after work I would stop at a convienient store and buy myself some candy. Well, my little cousin Cameron, who was four years old at the time, started to pick up on this pattern. He and his mother, my aunt and my grandparent's eldest child, would visit us and sometimes they would even spend the night with us.

Well, one morning Cameron decided that he would infiltrate my stash of goodies and claim some for himself (without asking of course). So he devised a plan to sneak into my room and take one. The only problem was that the sweets were wrapped really tight in some grocery bags, and if disturbed the bag would make a lot of racket. This wouldn't stop this guy though. With the noted obstacle in mind, Cameron went on with the mission. As he went in for the candy, he still was not careful enough to avoid making a lot of noise. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed as he woke me up out of my sleep. And the next thing he said, I will never forget. It just shows how brilliant this kid is, and how much I underestimate the whit of a child. He said,"Henry, I live on Dedeaux road! I live on Dedeaux road!" I did all I could not to laugh. I just put on a stern face and said, "I know where you live, boy! Get out of my candy!" After that he scampered off in his Thomas the Train pj's.

You see, this story is so great because of two reasons: the first is that Cameron actually DID live on Dedeaux Road. The other reason is that he was clever enough to drop that bit of information on me in a time of crisis. In that phase of his life it was important for him to learn and be able to recite that type of information to older people, and when he did successfully he would recieve praise. I guess he thought that if he told me where he lived, I would forget all about what happened and I would praise him. This may be a silly story but it is one that I would cherish and tell his children about one day. Cameron is a brilliant child and this story, to me, shows how far a little four year boy would go for a bag of candy bars.

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